"Gourmet Box" Abonnement

Your choice :


Number of "Gourmet Boxes" you want to receive *:


* You will receive your box the first week of each month.
If you want to change the delivery date you must email us by the 20th of the previous month at confirming your preferred delivery date.

Gourmet Box themes **:

** If you want to change a theme you must email us by the 20th of the previous month at confirming your new preferred theme.

Payment Modalities ***


*** If you want to cancel your abonnement you must email us by the 20th of the previous month at confirming your willingness to cancel your abonnement.
If you went for the one off payment, you will receive on your bank account and within 15 days, the reimbursement of the number of boxes you want to cancel.

Billing address

If you want to change the delivery address you must email us by the 20th of the previous month at confirming your new preferred delivery address

Shipping address
